St Laurence is an idyllic and beautiful place for your Wedding or service of Blessing. As you prepare for your wedding day you are invited to meet with others getting married, with members of the church and the priest who will celebrate the wedding. Please click on the icons below to download our guide to having your wedding at St Laurence, along with the guide to having Banns read (applicable whether or not you are getting married in church) and the Banns application form. To discuss plans for your wedding at St Laurence Church, please contact us on 0121 475 1518.
Wedding Guide
Banns of Marriage
Banns Application Form
Your Marriage in the Church of England
Getting married in church is a sign to your friends, family and most importantly to each other that you are ready to make a public declaration of love and commitment in front of those who love you and are part of your life together, including God. Christian marriage is a sacrament – a channel through which God communicates his grace to human beings. Other sacraments include the Eucharist, baptism, confirmation and ordination. Sacraments are administered by a priest. Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding in Cana and in Genesis we read that God created a man and then immediately realised it was not good for him to be alone and Eve was created to be his wife.
During the service you will make vows promising to love and support each other throughout your lifetime in good times and more difficult times. The priest will ask for God’s blessing on your marriage and there will be readings, hymns, prayers and a short talk. The Church of England web site Your Church Wedding has information such as: the qualifying connections with a parish church, how to choose readings and much more that can be useful in planning your marriage.
Wedding Albums
The Church and Grounds Provide Excellent Vistas for Wedding Photographs